Goal-setting is key to your growth. Sure, you’ll level up eventually, but to do it intentionally, with velocity, requires a plan.

You can’t get to point B without knowing where B is.

In my monthly mastermind for musicians, Amplify, we talk about “Champagne Wins” – measurable goals that are specific enough that everyone else knows when to break out the champagne!

yellow rose flower centerpiece and two clear champagne flutes

I want more fans” is not a goal. (If your aunt signs up on your email list, do we break out the champagne? Does that count as “more fans”?)

I want to make a living with music” is not a goal. (How much money is that? By when would you like to do it?)

If you can add some numbers or a specific even that’ll happen or not (for example, getting nominated for an award a certain year) and a deadline, you’re well on your way to creating actions to GET you to that goal.

So, now that you know a goal needs to be specific, let’s narrow down how to choose your next goal (or champagne win!)

How to choose your next goal

  1. Finish the unfinished. Created a goal in the past but haven’t achieved it yet? Wanted to finish something last month that took longer than you thought? This is a perfect thing to tackle this month, or quarter (depending on how long you need to achieve it). Finish your past goals and tie up loose ends. You’ll create tons of space for your own growth this way!
  2. Pivot. Completed last month’s goal? Congratulations! Now that’ you’ve got that handled, you can pivot to something else you’ve been pining to do or achieve. For example, a client of mine had a goal to get 30 music students before the end of last month. She did it! She doesn’t want any more students, so this month isn’t about building on that goal. Instead, she can work on something completely different now that she has time that she’s not spending on trying to get new students.
  3. Build on a past goal. Achieved your last goal? Awesome! What has opened up because of that, and what’s a new goal that builds on that last goal? An example of this would be growing your email list. (The #1 way to engage with fans and increase your income, IMHO!!) Perhaps your goal last month was to find 50 new subscribers. Maybe this month you build on that and go find another 50, or make it 51 so that the goal feels fresh and new!

Remember: be specific with your goals – have a number and deadline in mind.


And pro-tip: You are 39% more likely to achieve that goal if you SAY IT OUT LOUD, and 76% more likely to achieve it if you share weekly progress updates with someone else. (From a study by Gail Matthews.)

This is what we do in Amplify- we take what you got and turn it up. It’s a judgement-free-goal-setting-and-getting place. If you’re interested, get on the waitlist.

Okay, now go get goal-setting!

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